When I was little, my father was a programmer, so we’ve always had a computer at home. I wrote my first computer program when I was 11 years old. It simulated a conversation between me and the computer, which– for no special reason – I named “Brian”. I lost my interest in computers during my teens, but then decided to study computer science after high school.
After I graduated from the University of Antwerp, I started to work at Inventive Designers. Growing up as daughter of the founder, it was not an easy choice to start working for my father’s company. But I love it! First, I worked as a programmer and later in presales. Over the years, I was involved in legal, marketing and business development. My background in computer science helps me to really understand the impact of our software on the business of our customers. Today, I am CEO, but still highly involved in marketing, business development and sales.
I also studied Management Fundamentals at the Antwerp Business School and B2B Marketing at Vlerick. I am active in the Xplor organization, which is an industry organization for electronic document systems. At Xplor, I am a commissioner in the Electronic Document Professional (EDP) Commission, which is a worldwide certification program for document professionals. I received my first EDP certification in 2006.
For over 4 years, I served as a vice-president for the Young Chamber at the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce, where I loved to network and meet other young entrepreneurs.
I am passionate about the combination marketing and technology: how to easily explain a complex technology so it is understandable for everyone?
When I’m not working, I love spending time with my husband (Oh, that’s Klaas by the way) and our two boys. I am a passionate reader and love fashion and architecture.
And remember what Albert Einstein said: “If you can’t explain it simple, you don’t understand it well enough!”.
How to explain complex things in a way that everyone understands it?
Joke pays attention to every detail.